Grasping at Bubbles

Grasping at Bubbles

Writing has been difficult lately. I feel like I’m chasing soap bubbles, and the moment I grasp a nugget, a train of thought, an approach, an angle, it disappears into nothingness before I can pin it to paper.

Grasping at Bubbles

It’s so very much like my daughter chasing these bubbles around the park – yet so different.

Grasping at Bubbles

First, I’m not having as much fun (I need to do something about that).

Grasping at Bubbles

Second, my failure to grasp these bubbles, and manipulate them into a cohesive thesis, has consequenses.

Grasping at Bubbles

Just a few more days, I can count it in hours now, till this semester is done. The last paper and final are friday; then I can exhale.

Grasping at Bubbles

And then I can chase the bubbles just for fun.

Grasping at Bubbles


WW linky on page 2

Courage Night

Courage Night

I have been invited to participate in Courage Night, an author event sponsored by the Young Survival Coalition where 5 young survivors of breast cancer will read from their books, followed by a book signing. Well, in my case, I will read from my blog. I’m beside myself with excitement about this event, and a little nervous. I hope all my friends in the Seattle area will come to support me.

I’m so honored to be included in this group of amazing writers.

I was also a little perplexed about how to gracefully manage the whole signing of books part at the end. It’s not like you can sign a blog. And the other authors are donating their proceeds to YSC…   Finally, last night I got that little light bulb over my head. Why don’t I have some of my photos printed, and sell those? Then I’ll have proceeds to donate, and something to sign.

So which photos?

I picked a few, and I’m going to narrow it down again to a selection of four. Which ones do you like?

Poppy bud - courage night


blooming poppy - courage night


reflection lake - courage night


market - courage night


turnagain pass - courage night


dandelion - courage night


Courage Night

And here’s the flyer for Courage Night. If you’re in the Seattle area, stop by and say hi. I’d love to see you!

courage night


The Big Easy

We spent the evening walking down Bourbon Street in the French Quarter of New Orleans, The Big Easy. It’s Friday night, and I’m told much tamer than the partying a few nights earlier on Fat Tuesday.


My friends and I stand at the corner waiting for the light to change so we can cross the street, while revelers around us brazenly jaywalk – behavior that seems foreign to this group of girls from Seattle.


We stop for drinks at Howl At the Moon, and when they are delivered in 36 ounce plastic cups, the server explains that the 3 for one special means everyone is automatically upgraded to a triple, and the cups are plastic so we can take them out in the street.


We look outside: Everyone does carry their drinks with them in the street.

Don’t worry, we adjusted. It wasn’t long before we were jaywalking while carrying open containers.  Talk about multitasking.

NOLA 019

Beads hang from balconies, street lights, stop signs, trees, public art, and anything else that will sit still long enough to be draped with the twinkling strands in all colors of bling.

NOLA 421

A sprinkling of rain and a sturdy breeze lends more sparkle and movement to a street that is already teeming with life; humans, pigeons, palm trees, flowers, moss, mules, dogs can all be seen in a single glance.


The next block we walk through is closed to traffic, and pedestrians fill the area between the buildings as they laugh, dance, and wander amongst the street performers and live music wafting from the insides of bars and restaurants, music so rich and textured it seems to hold a physical presence in the space as well.


Bright lights and dark corners, high contrast colors, bricks and stucco, trolleys and mule drawn carriages, trees and bling,

NOLA 441

and ornate balconies populated with blow up dolls

no way to treat a lady

conspire to create an environment that is, to me, both fun and foreign.

Traveling Companions

The second anniversary of my cancer diagnosis is quickly approaching. Of course it has me thinking. A lot. Not all the thoughts are happy thoughts, but that just comes with the territory.

But some of those thoughts are happy thoughts. Warm, fuzzy, happy thoughts. Like the girls I met because I have cancer.


These are women I would have been proud to count among my friends even before diagnosis, but I can’t imagine a scenario in which I would have met any of them outside of cancer.


This weekend a group of us traveled to New Orleans to a conference for young women with breast cancer. We learned about treatment protocols, late effects of treatment, nutrition, dealing with the impact of cancer treatment in the bedroom, and myriad other topics, and we got to spend time with other women whose lives have been similarly impacted.


Good times, good music, good food, good company…


I think the people with whom we surround ourselves have a huge influence on our happiness. Sure, we all have those people around whom we have to tiptoe and walk on eggshells, but we can dilute their influence with so many more amazing people, people who lift us up and love us for who we really are. I’m so blessed to have such amazing friends – that they understand what I’m going through with cancer because they’ve been there too just makes it that much better.


I’m a very lucky woman.


Of course I still worry about how many years I have left, but even more important than the number of trips you make around the sun is your traveling companions along the way.

You can learn more about my cancer story here:

my cancer story | Judy Schwartz Haley


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