10 insightful posts about Fathers Day

10 insightful posts about Fathers Day

Aaron spent the past two days simmering his homemade ragu. I’d love to share a recipe, but his sauce is an expression of his love for food rather than anything that could be pinned to paper. Two days of simmering, tasting, adding, hand wringing, simmering, tasting, adding, tasting, simmering… a lot of love went into this meal. On Father’s Day, we finally got to sit down and eat it, and it was definitely worth the wait. I’m not sure if he planned to have the sauce ready for Father’s Day, or if it just worked out that way, but I certainly wasn’t going to get in his way. I didn’t have to cook. And the food was amazing.

I’m so lucky to have such a great husband, who also happens to be an awesome dad to our 5-year-old, and an amazing, if occasional, cook.

So instead of cooking, I’m going to round up some of my favorite fathers day posts this year. I’ll tackle the dishes later.

10 insightful posts about fathers day

  1. Dale Partridge is one of my favorite writers, and he delivers again with this post on the things dads need to hear.
  2. John Kinnear at Ask Your Dad tells us a little about how his dad shaped the man he became.
  3. Suzanne Braun Levine discusses how dads parent differently now in this HuffPo piece. This is something I have noticed myself. I love how involved dads is not only a trend, it’s becoming an expectation, and guys are living up to it.
  4. Hillary from Domestic Bliss Squared pens a letter to her dad explaining how she came to a new understanding of his perspective after becoming a parent herself.
  5. DudeMom shares 10 things I love about my husband as a father.
  6. On BlogHer, manvsmommy comes through with a wonderful letter to her husband that said something dads really need to hear, and reminding me that I need to say thank you to my husband as well. He’s an awesome dad, too.
  7. In this TED Talk, Steve Addis shares how a little father-daughter tradition helped to bond him with his daughter.
  8. Gina at Fitnessista talks about falling in love with her husband in a new way after watching him become a father. I can certainly relate to that feeling.
  9. And because we need a giggle in here, P.J. Rourke shares some thoughts on the ridiculousness of Father’s Day.
  10. I definitely need to include my own post: 5 things I learned from my Dad. I wrote this the first Father’s Day after he passed away, but those lessons are still the ones I would pick.


Happy Reading.

Happy Father’s Day.

And, wish me luck on those dishes!

Finding Home

Finding Home

We were weary as we pulled into the parking lot of our building after a long day of apartment hunting. It’s tiring work, and a bit nerve-wracking, looking for a new place to call home, one that meets our needs, is close to a good school, and most importantly, one that we can afford. We sat there in the car, waiting for this song to finish, and we knew…  We knew that wherever we end up, we’ll be okay as long as we’re together.

We didn’t realize it till later, but that night was the 10th anniversary of the day Aaron proposed. He proposed on Alki Beach on a very chilly night, and later we had to hunt down a pay phone (remember those?) so I could call my parents.

It’s a decade later, and some major twists and turns along the way, but we’re happier than ever. So much love.

young us 2


Eight years

Eight years

Dear Universe:

The sickness and poorer part of our vows were not an invitation. I’ll have you know that despite pneumonia, cancer, myasethenia gravis, a combined 18 nights in the hospital, more than 10 dashes to the ER, 8 years of at least one and usually both of us as full-time college students, layoffs, hours cut, car trouble, eviction notices, healthy diets, exercise, a sweet and miraculously healthy baby girl, daily “adventures”, good friends, a lot of wine, belly laughs, a home full of books, homemade dinners, long conversations late into the night, snuggling, holding hands, and occasional long walks on the beach, we’re happier and more in love than ever. You should also be aware that we have not given up hope on the richer and health part of those vows. You know where to find us.

judy schwartz haley
judy schwartz haley and aaron albert haley

Also, Happy Anniversary to my amazing husband. I love you more.



It was a grey, blustery day, perfectly suited to my grey, blustery mood. I was dragging my cranky toddler and cantankerous husband through that most soul-suckingly dreadful chore: grocery shopping.


All the while I was complaining about the fatigue I’m still battling, and my ever growing list of things I STILL haven’t gotten done yet.


What happened to my inspiration, I wondered. What happened to that drive that kept me up all night, not because I had to do something, but because I was so passionate about that project that I couldn’t not work on it?

Inspired | Judy Schwartz Haley | CoffeeJitters

“You used to find inspiration everywhere,” my husband said – rather insensitively, I thought.


That comment pissed me off a little bit, mostly because he was right. (Is there anything quite so infuriating as a spouse who is right?)


I used to be able to look around wherever I was and find something, some little something, that lit something in me.


I looked around at the displays of produce. Those peppers are really orange. Look how the water beads up and sparkles on the broccoli.


It started coming back. Not the up all night because I’m so driven type of inspiration, but enough for me to come back to the store then next day with my camera.


Not a thing changed in that store to bring about that change in me, not the lighting, not the moods of my companions, just a little shift in what I was noticing.


Also: dinner tonight is rainbow chard, black beans, mushrooms, and quinoa. No recipe, I just felt inspired to put those things together. We’ll see how that turns out.


What inspired you lately? And, what’s for dinner?




I thought I’d share these poppies for a little color bling for this end of summer post.


Monday was our seventh wedding anniversary. Seven years, and I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. I know I’m lucky to spend my life surrounded by so much love.


Now that we’ve risen to the challenge of sickness and poorer, I’m looking forward to experiencing some richer and health. 😉

Any day now…

poppy | CoffeeJitters.Net

In the meantime, we’re just trying to soak up the beauty we find all around us.

poppy | CoffeeJitters.Net