Time to Clean out the Flickr Pool

Time to Clean out the Flickr Pool


Ok, well this is just a little bit ridiculous. I’ve really got to clean up my flickr pool. I moved to this site because of the tags and sets and categories and now that I’ve got 1944 images uploaded, the vast majority are untagged, unsetted (I just made that word up) and uncategorized. I’m a lazy girl, which is a wonderful way to be when you want to lie in bed and watch tv while eating chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. Not so much when you are looking for one specific picture.

On a side note, anyone have any idea what kind of flower this is? I don’t think I’ve seen this one before.

Now I’m going to curl up with a bowl of ice cream and watch Letterman and TV’s Craig Ferguson.

The Reading Room

The Reading Room

For the past couple of months the Husband has been encouraging me to pack up my goodies and go spend a day studying in the reading room in the Suzzillo Library at the University of Washington. It’s just a couple blocks away, but I’ve been resisting.

For some reason I felt intimidated.

suzzallo reading room

I’m not sure why, in fact I think my IQ went up a few points just by my walking into the room.

This is such a beautiful room, and the people studying in the room treat it with respect. I love how there is a quiet in here that does not exist in other parts of the library. No jabbering on cell phones, no printers, no copiers, no high heels clacking.

harry potter room

Once I got over the gawkfest and took a few pictures, I was able to settle down and get some work done.


It was so nice to have a quiet place to work with no interruptions. Every once in a while the Husband is right.

Where do you do your writing?

MORE: check out the bird nest with a guardian angel right out the library’s front door.

Finding Beauty in Strange Places

Finding Beauty in Strange Places

I love finding beauty in strange places – peeking out from garbage bins or rising up from the cracks in a sidewalk.
beauty in strange places - CoffeeJitters.Net
A few months ago, I tossed aside my purse and re-purposed my camera bag to serve both it’s original purpose and carry all my bits that the purse would have handled.

This may possibly be the smartest thing that I have ever done.

Now I carry my camera around with me every where I go.

I look at things differently when I have a camera handy. I notice things that otherwise would have escaped my attention. I focus more on the here and now and less on where I’m going and where I’ve been; I forget to worry. As a result, I’m happier. And to double that happiness, I actually know that I’m happy. Right here, in the here and now, not a distant memory of some former happiness.

I’m happy, and I know it.

Clap your hands.

After the Rain

This weekend was gorgeous. We had record breaking highs to accompany the crowds at the street fair, and plenty of sunburn to go around. With the wonderful weather came the pollen, and the allergies. (And the sinus headache.)

Last night it rained. It was such a relief: the water cleaning the air and leaving everything feeling fresher, crisper, the colors are brighter, the streets washed clean (ok, well not so much the Ave).

This morning Mom and I went for a stroll and we discovered this little critter out for a stroll as well.


He was seriously out in the middle of traffic – well foot traffic anyways.


Look closely at his shell (you might have to click to enlarge). It’s so translucent you can see what look like blood vessels inside. Any biology experts out there know for sure whether snails have blood vessels in their shells?


What is wrong with me? Why am I taking pictures of slimy things?

I gotta admit, it was pretty cool to see.

I’m not Blogger’s biggest fan right now

I’m not Blogger’s biggest fan right now

I’ve reverted back to my old format. I changed to the new format on Saturday night/Sunday morning and for some reason, suddenly today, blogger decided to freak out and it could no longer read my code. My blog has been down for most of the day.

Oh yes I know there are bigger, faster, sexier blog services out there, and someday I expect I’ll have me a bigger, faster, sexier blog, with tassels and a bell. But those things take resources like time, money, and know-how and at the moment I seem to be strapped for all three.

so instead, I give you this pretty picture I took on Sunday afternoon.