LifeScript Web Portal: Healthy living for women

LifeScript Web Portal: Healthy living for women

This is a sponsored post by me on behalf of

After my breast cancer diagnosis, I spent many late nights curled up with my laptop and Dr. Internet, becoming increasingly terrified by the grim prospects offered up by the search engines. I needed information, but I had forgotten that the internet favors sensationalism, so the most extreme cases rise to the top. (more…)

A circle of women

A circle of women

A circle of women.

28 women, all whom I adore.

28 women finding ways to squeeze the day, every day, while living with cancer and it’s after effects.


Every year we converge on this little retreat center in the woods, on the edge of the canal.

Every year we laugh, we cry, we eat, drink, and dance,


We challenge each other, we hold each other up.

And even more importantly, we rest, and we are cared for.


Every year I come back home feeling two inches taller.


P.S. This year, I brought a spare camera and handed it over to the group, asking them to take pictures as well. I’m so glad I did. I came home with pictures that were complete surprises to me, and this year, I was so engaged in just being present that I hardly took any pictures at all. Thanks so much to my friends for picking up the slack.

P.P.S. The link in the first line will take you to the poem I read at the retreat. It resonated so profoundly with so many of us, and I received many requests for copies. (I’m not affiliated with the writer of the poem, but when you write stuff this good, it deserves a link.)

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