
We got a couple days of rain last week, so I went out to see if I could get some good shots of the water collecting on the grasses.






This last shot with the spider reminded me that Halloween is quickly approaching. Have you figured out what you are going to do for a costume yet?

Last year, with my bald head, grey skin, and chemo port sticking out of my chest, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to dress up as Borg. I had the costume pretty much ready to go, but I was so sick on Halloween, it just didn’t happen. They say you regret the things you didn’t do the most, I think not dressing up as a Borg will be one of those life long regrets.

Did someone just call me a nerd?

My post chemo hair is growing back with a lot more curl than I’m accustomed to. I was so looking forward to a cute short hairstyle like Winona Ryder or Natalie Portman or Emma Watson. But, no, no, no, I get Seth Rogan hair. That hair, combined with with additional weight from the steroids makes me think maybe I should just toss on a pair of sweats and and fake beard and go as Seth Rogan. No? My husband doesn’t think so either. I’ll think of something else.

My 10 favorite places to be

10. In the city – close to culture, books, food, coffee, shopping, history, art, music, education…



9. At the beach

Sunset at Canon Beach


8. On the water

Sunset over San Juan Islands


7. Curled up on a comfy couch



6. Chillin’ out lakeside



5. Surrounded by awesome people


4. In close proximity to coffee



3. Hiding behind my camera



2. Within eyeshot of this little one, wherever she is, watching her explore the world




1. In his arms




Reasons I Love Seattle: #5 We’re never far from mother nature

All the benefits of a robust metropolis and yet, nestled between the mountains and the Salish Sea, it takes no effort at all to let nature envelope you in Seattle.

duck and lily pads

duck and lily pads

lily pads

lily pads

And now, from around the interwebs…

Me: As Seen On…

TV: yes! really! I was on CNN! So here’s the deal: I got an opportunity to say thank you, and help tell the story of a woman who was there for me while I was going through the worst of my cancer treatment. Debbie Cantwell created The Pink Daisy Project to pay it forward after her own bout with cancer. She helped me at a time when the expense and exhaustion of getting through cancer treatment was really wearing me down. She sent gift cards so I could get food, diapers, and gas, and she hired some people to come clean my home.  It’s hard enough to keep your home clean with a toddler – add the side effects of cancer treatment, and it’s overwhelming.

From what I understand, out of the 25 heroes highlighted throughout the year, CNN will be selecting 10 finalists  for the awards ceremony. Web traffic and buzz are considered in their selection criteria – so the more you view and share this story, the more you like or recommend it on Facebook, and the more you comment on the story there on the CNN website, the better the odds that Debbie will be selected as one of the finalists.  As a result of the story so far, Debbie has already received an increase in donations to help more women. She also received a significant increase in requests for help.  As we get the word out more, Debbie will be able to help more and more women. And that’s the whole point.

There is also a second video; this one is even longer and shows more of my family.


Darrah Parker Photography: We met up with Darrah at Ravenna Park on a sunny afternoon, and she took the most beautiful pictures of us.  My little family was hot and tired, and bordering on cranky, but Darrah found the best in us. We had a grand time posing for photos, and the results are just lovely.

Awesome stuff I found while I was pretending to be busy

It Matters: Mama Wants This explores the unexpected ways her life has has been enriched by blogging, and the unexpected ways in which she has been hurt by blogging.

The Aums: a discussion of that emotionally charged issue of, gasp, body image.

Dog Days of Summer: Northwest Mommy hosts guest blogger, Diane LeBleu, and her discussion of starting a business, getting a dog, breast cancer, and other bad ideas.

Peanut  Butter in my Hair: finding beauty in unexpected places

The Days Pass: Susan of Toddler Planet is one of my heroes. She’s battling her fourth cancer in four years; this time it’s metastatic. She writes so beautifully about balancing her pain management so that she can tolerate the pain, yet still savor the moments with her husband and young children.

Barb’s 40th Birthday – Redo

Barb’s 40th Birthday – Redo

This weekend, my friend Barb turned 40…

Barb Greenlee

Again 😉

The stars came out and hung a giant, full moon for her birthday party, as we sipped our drinks under twinkle lights strung from a Parisian street lamp at Bastille in Ballard.

la vie en rose

We noshed on good food

croque madame - CoffeeJitters.Net

creme brulee

water bottle - CoffeeJitters.Net

Enjoyed great company


barb's birthday

Brent and Barb


Barb's Birthday

As the sky continued to darken

la vie en rose, Bastille, Seattle

Thanks to the Perseid meteor shower, it was a good night for shooting stars; I saw quite a few.

And, Barb, I made a wish on one for you.

Happy Birthday, my friend, and many, many more.