The Hammock

As usual, I spent the vast majority of my time at cheese days in the hammock.


As a result, the vast majority of my photos are of items I could spy from the hammock.

lantern on mossy tree

daisys by a lazy river

lantern and hook

depth of field

Side Note to Hammock Manufacturers: Is it so difficult to come up with a hammock design that allows one to get in and out of the hammock without making an ass of oneself? And cupholders – why are there no cup holders?


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Cheese Days 2008

Every year 40 some odd aging friends of Papa Russo converge at his trailer down by the river to get drunk, float down the river, and then blow up their leftover illegal fireworks.

We call it Cheese Days, and I look forward to it every year.

It’s all about this

what its all about

and this


and this


and this

weiner roast

and a lotta good times


Ghosts of Cheese Days past:


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Goodies: Attack! Pillows

These pillows are just too cool. This set of two pillows illustrates a crow attacking a squirrel in an urban setting with wool felt applique over vintage upholstery fabric. I just love the goodies I can find on etsy.

Other Goodies highlighted on CoffeeJitters:


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Meanwhile, Back at the McKinley Farm…

Meanwhile, Back at the McKinley Farm…

When my Grandfather moved to Alaska in the 40s, he needed to find a house big enough to hold his wife and seven children, and pronto. The Matanuska Valley had been colonized in the 30s as part of the New Deal. My Grandfather bought a nice little Colony House on a hefty bit of acreage from a family that just wasn’t able to cut it as colonists (nothing against that poor family, but winters in Alaska were probably a bit more than they had bargained for).

Then he set about expanding the house to make it big enough to fit his kids.

McKinley Farm in Alaska

It turned out plenty big.

McKinley Family Farm house in Palmer, Alaska


McKinley Farm

Lee (Doc) McKinley and Family at the farm


The picture above shows my Grandparents and mom with her brothers and sister. Notice the airplane out the window to the left. Grandpa was a dentist and he used that to commute to work in Anchorage. He would also fly out to the bush villages to treat the villagers, often for free.

The fireplace was built with river rocks. The second floor windows on either side of the chimney (below) were close enough to reach out and get a good toe hold on the chimney, yet far enough away that falling was a very real possibility. Of course, I know nothing of this because I would never consider sneaking out of the house.

Doc McKinley farm in Palmer, Alaska

The lower roof, right above the ground on the picture above, covered the cold room. Aside from being a dentist and a politician, my grandfather was also a very skillful butcher (that’s how he worked his way through college.) We didn’t just have a cooler for keeping meat, we had an entire 400+ square foot cold room. We didn’t mess around when it came to meat.

slide and swing set at the McKinley farm

In my mind, the crowing jewel of this home was the swing set.

It was the reason my friends came to play at my house. And on hot summer days, we would drag a water hose to the top of the slide and turn it in to a water slide.

(That’s me in front with the braids)

slide and swing set at the McKinley farm

My Dad took the following pictures from the top of the slide, then pasted them together. The two little buildings behind the van were very important as well. The white building was the chicken coop and the little log building beyond that was the pig pen.

McKinley Farm in Palmer, Alaska

I lived in that house for most of my childhood. It was a pain to clean, we lived in the delta between two glacier fed rivers so the fine dust of glacier silt was always passing through the walls. Vacuuming and dusting were never ending chores. As was mowing the lawn.

And lest you think it was a mansion of some kind, I want to be clear that the bedroom walls were plywood, and we woke up many times to find frost on the inside of our bedroom walls. Oh, and the roof leaked so much when it rained or the snow melted that walking down the hall was an obstacle course of buckets and drips. I miss that house.

My family sold the house a few years back and since then it has fallen into disrepair. It looks so sad now.

broken down farm house


The Last Post

The Last Post

Saturday morning Punk Rock Mommy died from inflammatory breast cancer.

Her husband uploaded her last post and I read itpunk rock mommy

and cried.

I never met Punk Rock Mommy, I had never read her blog before this morning. But I am struck by the human spirit and how impending death can clarify perspective. Punk Rock Mommy couldn’t be more different from my father, yet they both died from cancer in the past year, and they both, in that last year of their lives, gained a super-human measure of perspective and wisdom. Things that separated my dad from Punk Rock Mommy and Randy Pausch (who wrote The Last Lecture), things like religion, ethnicity, gender, and politics are superficial labels, but underneath – we’re all more alike than different. The messages that they left us with (or are leaving us with, Randy Pausch is still fighting pancreatic cancer) are essentially the same: love one another, choose to be happy, don’t ruin the rest of your life mourning, don’t live your life in “someday,” live right now, don’t waste your time on anger it’ll just ruin your day. This quote from Punk Rock Mommy really leaped out at me: “I am no doormat, but I just let go of all that hard core resentment.”

How can we learn from this? What would you do differently if you had a week, or a month, or a year left to live? What would you write in your last post? What message would you leave for your family, friends, and the world’s prying eyes?