15 Journaling and Writing Prompts about Friendship

15 Journaling and Writing Prompts about Friendship

Friends are the family we choose. Just like our families, their influence on our lives, and how we perceive and interact with the world is vast. It could even be argued that because we choose each other, who we befriend may influence us and say something about us even more than our families.

I really believe you are the company you keep and you have to surround yourself with people who lift you up because the world knocks you down.

– Maria Shriver

I always learn so much about myself when I write about my friends. What traits do all my friends have in common? Why do I (subconsciously) seek out those traits in my friendships? There is so much self-knowledge to mine in considering friendships. What kind of friend am I?

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life.

– Amy Poehler

Writing helps us understand concepts and even our own motivations on a deeper level. Prompts help us focus the writing. These journaling and writing prompts about friendship will help you delve deeper into the nature of your friendships, and why those relationships, and those people, are so important to you.

A friend is someone who give you total freedom to be yourself.

– Jim Morrison

15 Journaling / Writing Prompts about Friendship

1. Write about a group of people that leave you feeling happy and at ease after you’ve spend time with them.

2. If you were having a rotten day, who is the first person you would want to talk to? And why?

3. Describe some traditions you’ve had with your friends.

4. Are you comfortable asking your friends for help when you need it? Would they ask you for help?

5. Do you have a friend you haven’t seen in years, but you’re sure if you saw them, you’d pick right up where you left off?

6. What is something nice a friend said to you that meant the world to you?

7. Is there someone you’ve been missing, but you haven’t reached out to contact them? What keeps you from reaching out?

8. How would you like to be described to others by your friends?

9. Have you ever lost a friend? Been unfriended? What happened?

10. Who has always been there for you, no matter what, through thick and thin?

11. Describe in detail someone who means the world to you. Include appearance, mannerisms, personality, quirks… everything that makes them who they are.

12. What do you believe are the most important qualities in a friend?

13. Have you made any new friends in recent years? How does the process of making friends feel different from when you were younger?

14. who are the people in my life with whom I feel the most like myself?

15. Make a list of all the people who have helped you in your life. Keep adding to this list as you think of more.

What other prompts or questions would you add to this list? I’d love to hear your suggestions, and I’m always trying to improve on my lists of prompts.

If you enjoyed this list of journaling / writing prompts, check out my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter feeds for daily prompts and other inspiration.

My favorite sources for more than 1048 Blog Prompts

My favorite sources for more than 1048 Blog Prompts

I’ve been struggling with writers’ block lately, and it’s maddening. It’s time to do something about it, so I did a round up of some of my favorite sources for blog prompts.

writing and blog prompts
Kristen Kalp’s blog Brand Camp is full of brilliant and uplifting advice for bloggers and other social media professionals. Her post how to get out of a blogging rut was just what I needed to read. It includes 10 post ideas as well as other steps to recharging the blog, and reclaiming that spark.

Danielle at Sometimes Sweet has a great list of 10 post ideas for the stumped blogger.

Kelly Oribine lists 99 inspiring blog post ideas.

Kate at Centsational Girl lists 50 things to write about when you have writers block.

Suzana Uzelac of Social Cafe Magazine provides 20 creative blog post ideas.

Lacy at Chosen lists 50 prompts in her bloggers block cure.

Danielle lists 20 types of blog posts for writers block at Blogging on the Side.

The Apple Blue blog shares 101 blog post ideas.

Allyssa Barnes has a list of 25 blog post ideas for the uninspired.

Heather at Crafterminds gives us 13 awesome blog post ideas

Nicole at Moments that Define Life has an idea bank of more than 60 writing prompts.

Gigi Ross at Kludgy Mom shares a list of more than 600 blog post ideas.

That’s more than 1048 prompts right there, although I imagine there might be a few repeats among those lists. If that wasn’t enough, Melissa Culbertson from Blog Clarity (you might remember that as momcomm) serves up the secret to a gazillion blog post ideas. It’s hard to argue with a gazillion.

And last but not least, one of my favorite stops for blogging inspiration is the writing prompts database at Mama’s Losin’ It.

Mama’s Losin’ It The app serves up the prompts one at a time. If you don’t like the one displayed, click the inspiration button and it will serve up another. You could sit and click that button all day and not run out of inspiration.

Kathy takes the challenge up a notch by hosting a weekly writing workshop at Mama’s Losin It. She provides 5 prompts for the week. Pick one, write up a post on your blog, and on Thursday, link it up to share and read what others wrote.

No more excuses. It’s time to get writing.

Feel free to share your favorite writing prompts in the comments below.

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