Lunch with Grandma Candy

Lunch with Grandma Candy

Yesterday was Genevieve’s first big day on the town.

The first stop was to see her pediatrician, which went very well.  Her length remains at 20 inches and her head circumference at 13 inches, but her weight is up to 7 lbs 12 oz – that’s 3 oz up from her birth weight.  All the measurements are squarely in the 50th percentile.

The doctors visit went well, the immunizations and the blood draw for all the tests, not so much.

But we’ll get over it.

The big event of the day was lunch with Grandma Candy.  Grandma Candy is 98 years old and she is Genevieve’s great grandmother, my maternal grandmother.  (Grandma Candy got her name when my niece and nephew couldn’t pronounce Grandma McKinley).  My mother was there as well, so we had a ladies lunch with four generations.

Grandma Candy

Notice the green blanket on Grandma Candy’s lap?  She knit that for Genevieve.

Grandma Candy

Baby Update: She’s Here!!

Baby Update: She’s Here!!

Baby Genevieve made her appearance at 6:16 am.  She was still two weeks early, but she officially made it to full term the night before she was born, and she’s a good healthy size – 20 inches, 7 lbs 9 oz.

She’s perfect and we couldn’t be happierGenevieve - CoffeeJitters.Net