Finding Beauty in Strange Places

Finding Beauty in Strange Places

I love finding beauty in strange places – peeking out from garbage bins or rising up from the cracks in a sidewalk.
beauty in strange places - CoffeeJitters.Net
A few months ago, I tossed aside my purse and re-purposed my camera bag to serve both it’s original purpose and carry all my bits that the purse would have handled.

This may possibly be the smartest thing that I have ever done.

Now I carry my camera around with me every where I go.

I look at things differently when I have a camera handy. I notice things that otherwise would have escaped my attention. I focus more on the here and now and less on where I’m going and where I’ve been; I forget to worry. As a result, I’m happier. And to double that happiness, I actually know that I’m happy. Right here, in the here and now, not a distant memory of some former happiness.

I’m happy, and I know it.

Clap your hands.