Sail Away

Yesterday was Mr. H’s birthday, so we spent the day on a sailboat.

The view was amazing

I wondered about these little duckies – what do they represent? Do they have sailboat wars?

Hey look, they monitized their sail.

Skipper and deck hand – the view is still amazing

Heading back home.

One last look at the sunset


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On Alaska and Men

On Alaska and Men

This is my husband when he visits Alaska.
my husband - CoffeeJitters.Net

And this is my husband when he’s not in Alaska.
my husband -

I guess “When in Rome….”

The men outnumber the women in Alaska by something like 2:1, so you’d think the odds of finding a good man were pretty good. I had to move to Washington to find a good man. Women in Alaska have a saying about finding a man: “The odds are good, but the goods are odd.”

Am I biased against Alaskan men? No, some of my favorite men, including my 4 brothers, are from Alaska. But I will be the first to tell you that they are truly odd.