Coffee with Mom

Mom, originally uploaded by coffeejitters.

After class I stopped by Mom’s place and dragged her out for a walk. It’s so nice to live nearby. It’s nice to be able to stop by and say hey let’s take a walk and then stop and get some coffee. Today we walked to Chanterelles in Edmonds. Great little cafe.

Those were his words, not mine

063, originally uploaded by coffeejitters.

Mr. H and I were wandering around the mall this evening when we came across this item. I mentioned to him that it would be awfully nice to have all of my rechargable items organized and ready to go so that in the morning I could just grab them and run. He responded that this item was “anal-retentive foofiness.”

Shhhh… ! Husband is washing dishes

I am starving right now.


But I dare not enter the kitchen or even acknowledge my husband’s presence in the kitchen. True to the observer effect, the act of observing alters the observed, I dare not let husband become aware that I am aware that he is doing the dishes else said dish doing cease.

In which case, I would end up doing the dishes.

Update: Husband doing dishes = sexy