Finding Beauty in Strange Places

Finding Beauty in Strange Places

I love finding beauty in strange places – peeking out from garbage bins or rising up from the cracks in a sidewalk.
beauty in strange places - CoffeeJitters.Net
A few months ago, I tossed aside my purse and re-purposed my camera bag to serve both it’s original purpose and carry all my bits that the purse would have handled.

This may possibly be the smartest thing that I have ever done.

Now I carry my camera around with me every where I go.

I look at things differently when I have a camera handy. I notice things that otherwise would have escaped my attention. I focus more on the here and now and less on where I’m going and where I’ve been; I forget to worry. As a result, I’m happier. And to double that happiness, I actually know that I’m happy. Right here, in the here and now, not a distant memory of some former happiness.

I’m happy, and I know it.

Clap your hands.

After the Rain

This weekend was gorgeous. We had record breaking highs to accompany the crowds at the street fair, and plenty of sunburn to go around. With the wonderful weather came the pollen, and the allergies. (And the sinus headache.)

Last night it rained. It was such a relief: the water cleaning the air and leaving everything feeling fresher, crisper, the colors are brighter, the streets washed clean (ok, well not so much the Ave).

This morning Mom and I went for a stroll and we discovered this little critter out for a stroll as well.


He was seriously out in the middle of traffic – well foot traffic anyways.


Look closely at his shell (you might have to click to enlarge). It’s so translucent you can see what look like blood vessels inside. Any biology experts out there know for sure whether snails have blood vessels in their shells?


What is wrong with me? Why am I taking pictures of slimy things?

I gotta admit, it was pretty cool to see.

Deaver-Rosenfeld Wedding

getaway, originally uploaded by coffeejitters.

Jonathan and Rebecca just got married.

They’re such a great couple. You never mention one without at least thinking of the other. They just belong together.

The wedding was beautiful. The Asian Art Museum is a great venue, the food was WONDERFUL (especially the little crackers with goat cheese wraped in grape leaves and topped with rosehip jelly – I Loved those things), the moon was full, and I was full of wine. Happy Day.

slide show of wedding pics

Count Your Blessings

Since Dad got sick, Mom’s been going through a downsizing mode. She is seriously getting rid of just about everything.

She asked me if I could do something with the family pictures because she had never had time to put them into albums. “Sure” I said. It sounded like a good idea. I’ll just scan them in and upload them to the family website.

Box after box after box has been ariving in the mail.

It’s great fun to sit there and go through photo after photo. but somehow, when I add the additional step of placing the photo onto the scanner, it turns into a chore.

I know it’s such a cool thing to have all these photos – many families dont have this many. And really, on the surface it sounds like such a cool project – and I’m looking forward to having the photos scanned in. It’s the actual scanning them in part that’s got me bogged down.

Maybe I need to move the computer and scanner into the living room so I can watch mythbusters while I’m scanning them in.
img001a pouty me with mom