Waiting for commencement

Waiting for commencement

I took this picture 4 years ago at my husband’s graduation. We were sitting there for hours waiting for the graduates to walk in and the commencement ceremony to begin.

empty chairs

While we were sun-baked in the bleachers, my husband was waiting in a holding area, before they allowed the graduates to ceremoniously walk in and take their seats.

graduates waiting to walk at commencement

Isn’t it interesting how so many of the big things often involve so much waiting? The waiting room at the ER, the doctors office, waiting to see if treatment takes hold, waiting for results.

transcript Judy Schwartz Haley

I hate wait.

And yet I waited 25 years to finally graduate myself.

I didn’t walk at graduation, and they won’t even start mailing the diplomas until July. But I checked my transcripts, and it’s there.

I did it.

For real.

And that was the easy part.

Now, I’ve got to find a job to pay off a couple decades worth of student loans.

Wish me luck.