My loves and the sea

My loves and the sea

I love the sea. I love its fury. I love its calming presence.

elliott bay - CoffeeJitters.Net
elliott bay space needle - CoffeeJitters.Net

I love the ebb and flow.

ebb and flow - CoffeeJitters.Net
splash - CoffeeJitters.Net

So much life and movement and energy.

my loves and the sea - CoffeeJitters.Net
seaspray - CoffeeJitters.Net

It is, at once, destructive and regenerative.

water -

I could sit and watch the sea for hours. And sometimes we do.

spray -

My loves, both, also enchanted by the sea.

My Loves - CoffeeJitters.Net
beach - CoffeeJitters.Net

But today, she also wanted to fly.

she wanted to fly - CoffeeJitters.Net
Summer Solstice Sunset

Summer Solstice Sunset

We slipped into summer quietly: a lovely day, followed by a lovely sunset.

solstice sunset
solstice sunset
solstice sunset
solstice sunset
solstice sunset

Since the solstice, our weather has been all over the place. Right now we are enjoying a thunder and lightning storm, this following a hot, blue-skied afternoon.

And tonight, this lovely summer solstice sunset.

How did your summer get started?