Time is Relative

Time is Relative

A short paper and three finals on Monday and I’m done with school for the quarter. It’s funny how time shrinks and expands according to what you’ve got on your plate.  I’ve got another 17 chapters to read in texts before those tests.  Time has been flying by this week.

This pregnancy feels like it’s lasting forever.  April is a lifetime away.  Unless, of course, I think about everything that needs to get done before baby arrives.  On that note: Anyone willing to trade a safe, reliable, sturdy, 4 door car for a rusted out pickup with a blue book value that’s less than the insurance payment?

Pressure, Repetition, and Time

I love the way the waves have carved ripples into these boulders over time.





This one was really interesting.


This is a little different, but I just had to point out the way the waves have been carving a cavity into the bottom of this monolith along the gumline, I mean sand.


This is my contribution to Candid Carrie’s Friday Foto Finish Fiesta

Time Management

Time Management

My dad had a theory, he called it the “Schwartz theory of gaseous expansion,” which stated the material in a room will always expand to fill the available space. No matter how big your room is, it will eventually feel cramped because there’s too much stuff in it.

I was thinking about that theory and how it could also be applied to time as I was out and about running errands with Mom. Now that I don’t have a regular 9-5 job, I theoretically have more available time. I’ve been in this position before and I remember noting the same occurrence – when you have more free time, your chores expand to fill your available time. It took ALL DAY yesterday to get the phone, cable and internet set up for mom.

There is no such thing as free time.