is it just me?

So it’s 8pm and still 89 degrees (F) in a part of the country where this is not every day fare . . .
air-conditioning? not in this town

I’m just nursing my bruised ego from an all out – tears included – argument about, of all things, ice cream flavors, and it occurred to me that I heard somewhere that people tend to fight more when the tempurature goes up. Anyone else notice this phenomenon in their own lives?

Do you find it’s easier to get into some silly, non-sensical argument with your significant other/ family/friends when the tempuratures soar?

come on, work with me here – tell me I’m not alone

Birds & Bees

While looking at my pictures of my zucchini plants, mom mentioned that all the flowers were male.

Me: How do you know if they’re male or female?
Mom: Look for fruit or just a stalk right under the bud.
Me: So does the male have fruit or just a stalk?
Mom: Female has the fruit, do we have to talk about the birds and the bees again?
Me: So should I pinch off all the male flowers so the nutrients go to the females?
Mom: You can pinch off most of them, but you need at least one male for pollination. You really weren’t listening during that birds and bees talk, were you?

Sheds a new light on our infertility issues…

to be of service

to be of service

Last night my friend called and asked for help, and I was able to provide it. It’s easy to forget how good it feels when you can be a genuine help to someone else. I’m so glad she called.


7 Principles of Life

7 Principles of Life

Some time ago I stumbled across the following list – and it was profound enough that I copied and pasted it into a notepad on my desk top. That notepad has been sitting there on my desk top for I don’t know how long, just because I felt like I should do something with it, but I didn’t know what. So now I’m posting it here. I didn’t write it, it doesn’t belong to me – But it meant enough for me to want to remember it.

The 7 Principles of Life

1. Fresh Air & Sunshine
2. Water
3. Whole Foods
4. Walking
5. Loving Relationships
6. Passion
7. A Good Night’s Sleep


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