Every day we take a long walk around our new neighborhood, and every day I find a new reason to fall in love with our new home.

Today, we stumbled across this little shrine

shrine | CoffeeJitters | Judy Schwartz Haley

A plaque inside the shrine had the following invitation:

Leave your thoughts, prayers and wishes.
Twice a year they will be burned and your intentions will join the universe.

shrine | CoffeeJitters | Judy Schwartz Haley
shrine | CoffeeJitters | Judy Schwartz Haley
shrine | CoffeeJitters | Judy Schwartz Haley
shrine | CoffeeJitters | Judy Schwartz Haley

I also enjoyed the inscriptions on the benches:

trust in God but tie your camel first
shrine | CoffeeJitters | Judy Schwartz Haley
he is a good story teller who can turn men's ears into eyes
shrine | CoffeeJitters | Judy Schwartz Haley
Judy Schwartz Haley


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